Associate M.I.M.

Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix

Associate Members

If you do not live near an existing MIM cenacle and cannot attend monthly meetings, you can still join the MIM as an Associate Member!

Please read the conditions and responsibilities below, and fill out the SignUp form to become an Associate MIM Member.

Conditions & Responsibilities

  • Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate, and renew your consecration daily in order to live as Her “property and possession” and to labor as Her “docile instrument”
  • Wear the Miraculous Medal and recite daily the prayer: “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You, especially for the enemies of the Holy Church and for those recommended to You”.
  • Live the life of grace and cultivate it daily by daily prayer, by recitation of the Holy Rosary and the frequent reception of the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and of Penance (to enroll, you will be asked to provide a letter from a priest or a spiritual director stating that you are a practicing Catholic)
  • Practice the mortification necessary to fight against sin by avoiding dangerous occasions (for example certain television shows, videos, immodest fashions, beaches etc...) observing custody of the eyes and heart, abstaining from meat on Fridays (except for Solemnities).
  • Complete the formation necessary for an Associate member (the Associate Director will email you some short reading materials)
  • Maintain regular contact with the Associate Director (i.e. change of address, phone number etc..)
  • Seek to do as much as your circumstances and state in life allow you to promote Our Lady’s mission in your area, because “wherever She enters, She obtains the grace of salvation and sanctification” (St. Maximilian M. Kolbe)

SignUp form to become an Associate MIM member

Upon filling the SignUp form below, you will be contacted by the Associate MIM Director with further instructions.

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