Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Maine, NY

Brief History of the Marian Friary

Mt. St. Francis Hermitage was established in 1973 by Fr. Stephen Valenta, a Conventual Franciscan. With the help of lay volunteers, he erected a retreat center, a small chapel and 13 cottages/hermitages, situated on 150 acres of wooded hills in the rural Southern Tier of New York. In January, 1998, the Hermitage was entrusted to the care of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, who transformed the former retreat center into a friary, dedicated to “Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.” Since then, the friary has been a formation house for postulants (young men in their first year of training to become friars), and the retreat cabins are still available for those who wish to make a solitary retreat. A new friary with 18 cells was constructed and officially blessed on August 14, 2006, Feast of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe. The friary is also the home of Holy Virgin Mary Radio (WHVM – 91.9 FM Owego), which went on the air on June 12, 2010, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For more information please visit the website, www.mtstfrancis.com

MIM Cenacle

The Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix (MIM) is a Roman Catholic public association of the faithful which allows lay persons to join into the Marian-Franciscan charism of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Meetings are held at Mount Saint Francis on the second Saturday of each month, starting at 9am and lasting into the early afternoon. It is strongly recommended to call ahead to confirm since this is subject to change.

  • 9am Rosary and Confessions
  • 9:30 Holy Mass & thanksgiving
  • 11:00 General Conference (plus youth track for children from 11:00 to 1:30)
  • 12:00 Angelus & break
  • 12:15 Chapter Meeting
  • 12:45 Formation Classes for different levels of membership
  • 1:30 Pot-luck lunch

The meetings are open to anyone who wishes to come: members and non-members, people who are just curious about the MIM, and people who have commitments that might prevent them from formally joining. If anyone wishes to just attend Holy Mass, or just Holy Mass and the conference, that’s fine.

Apostolate of the Friary


The Mount has 12 rustic cabins isolated in the woods for private retreats. For more information on retreats at Mt. St. Francis, please see their website. Group retreats are possible with prior arrangements.


As the novitiate house, Mt. St. Francis is the house of formation for novices who prepare themselves for first profession of vows (poverty, chastity, obedience, and unlimited consecration to Our Lady [Marian Vow]) after completing two years of formation (the first year being the canonical year, the second year being the apostolic year).

Confessions & Spiritual Direction

Confessions and spiritual direction are available on request.

Marian Friary of Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit
120 Edson Rd,
Endicott, NY
13760, USA

Physical Address

120 Edson Rd. Endicott, NY 13760
GPS: 42.161248, -76.065720

Mailing Address

Mailing Address
Mt. St. Francis Hermitage
120 Edson Rd
Endicott, NY 13760


Phone: (607) 754-0001 Web: www.mtstfrancis.com


  • Holy Mass
    • Sunday: 9am
    • Mon–Fri: 12:15pm
    • Saturdays: 12:15pm (Except for First Saturday’s where we join St. Patrick’s Church, 9 Leroy St., Binghamton, NY 13905 at 8 am)
  • Confessions
    • Monday –  Friday: 11:15 – 11:45 am

    • Saturday (If 12:15 pm Mass): 11:15 – 11:45 am

    • Sunday: 8:00 – 8:30 am

    • or upon request, if a priest is available.

  • Divine Office and Holy Hours

      • 5:00 am* Angelus, Morning Prayers, Divine Office (Lauds and Morning Prayer), Meditation
        * 6:00 am on Sundays and Solemnities

      • 3:45 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Meditation, Divine Office (Vespers), Holy Rosary, Eucharistic Benediction, Angelus

        • Variations:

          Thursday: Evening Adoration extended half-hour

          Friday: 3:45 pm Stations of the Cross (except on feasts and solemnities, and during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Easter), rest of schedule as for other weekdays

    • MIM Cenacle
      • 3rd Saturday of the Month (Subject to changes, please call ahead to confirm)